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The Hartford Chapter of ALS - Concert by five Lisztians
On SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 2023 On August 13, five Lisztians (former...

ALS Wishes to Express its Deep Sadness Upon the Passing of Maestro André Watts
The Board of Directors of the American Liszt Society wishes to express its deep sadness upon the passing of Maestro André Watts, our...

Justin Kolb Demystifies Classical Music at the Glen Conservancy Hall 2023 Concert Series
Borrowing a page from Glenn Miller’s Chesterfield Broadcasts, Kolb will present “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and...

2023 American Liszt Society Festival in South Florida at Palm Beach Atlantic University, May 18 - 21
The theme of the Festival is "Liszt and Schubert," commemorating the 200th anniversary of the creation/publication of the "Wanderer" Fantasy

The American Liszt Society Announces the Fifth Alan Walker Book Award (2023)
The American Liszt Society is proud to announce the fifth Alan Walker Book Award. Offered triennially, the award will be presented for a...

JALS, Newsletter, and Website to be Under "New Management!"
And a New Committee Assignment is Announced! The Journal of The American Liszt Society welcomes a new editor, Dr. Ben Arnold of the...

Madeleine Forte to Celebrate 85th Birthday with NYC Concert!
Madeleine Forte to Celebrate 85th Birthday with NYC Concert! ALS board member Dr. Dmitry Rachmanov and ALS member Dr. Matthew Bengtson...

Newsletter Vol. 38 No. 1 (Summer/Fall 2022)
Newsletter Vol. 38 No. 1 (Summer/Fall 2022) was mailed February 6, 2023. Included are interviews with ALS board members Gabriel Dobner,...

New York/New Jersey 30th Anniversary Series
New York/New Jersey 30th Anniversary Series The 30th anniversary celebration of the NY/NJ Chapter's founding continued with a recital on...

Pianist Éva Polgár Performs at Carnegie Hall December 15!
Pianist Éva Polgár, ALS board member, Co-Director of the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition, and the Hungary Foundation's...

Éva Polgár, László Borbély, and jazz pianist Gábor Varga Present Recitals in LA, NYC, and DC
Éva Polgár, Co-Director of the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition, pianist László Borbély, and jazz pianist Gábor Varga...

NY/NJ Chapter Presents 30th Anniversary Concertwith Eduardus Halim, pianist, on Thursday, September
The New York/New Jersey Chapter of The American Liszt Society celebrated its 30th anniversary with a concert featuring pianist Eduardus...

Newest Edition of JALS Now Available!
Newest Edition of JALS Now Available! The newest edition of the Journal of The American Liszt Society (JALS), Vol 72 (2021), was mailed...

In Memoriam: Joseph Banowetz
"Joseph Banowetz, 87, of Frisco, TX, a Grammy-nominated pianist and keyboard studies faculty member at the University of North Texas,...

Elyse Mach's Interview of Liszt's Great-Grandaughter
Those of you who read the most recent issue of The American Liszt Society Newsletter, which was mailed out the week of July 18, may...

New Translation of Franz Liszt's Essay Collection Dramaturgische Blätter Now Available
There is a new translation of Franz Liszt's essay collection Dramaturgische Blätter by Allan R. Keiler and Traute M. Marshall (165 pp...
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